LAND Trust Program

School LAND Trust 

In the state of Utah, monies from school trust lands are distributed to every public school through the School LAND Trust Program. Leadership Learning Academy has a School LAND Trust Committee for each campus whose responsibilities include creating and approving the School LAND Trust Plan each year which identifies an academic need and a proposed solution using the annual funds. Each campus committee is an advisory body that may be comprised of parents, teachers, and administrators. All School LAND Trust Committee actions and plans are overseen and approved by the Governing Board of Directors. School LAND Trust Committee members are willing volunteers who care about the success of students and overall school improvement and Leadership Learning Academy is grateful for their time and dedication.  Any parent is invited to serve on the School LAND Trust Committee.  If more parents are interested than the number of open positions an election will be held and parents within the school community will vote to determine who will represent them on the School LAND Trust Committee.  For more information, please contact Jared Buckley.  

School LAND Trust Committee meetings are open to the public.  Agendas are posted below and at each campus seven (7) days in advance.  Draft minutes from the previous meeting are posted with agendas.  Please visit the School LAND Trust website to view current and past plans of Leadership Learning Academy and additional information.  

The Leadership Learning Academy Governing Board of Directors has adopted a School LAND Trust Council Membership & Election Procedures.  

Layton Campus

2024-2025 SLT Funding amount $74,347.63

LAND Trust Committee Members

The Layton Campus Committee has adopted LAND Trust Rules of Order and Procedure.

Jared BuckleyLead 
Lauren Burns
Chair - Parent
Tonya Goddard
Vice Chair - Teacher 
Jamie Frampton
Anne Probasco
Nicole Davies

Committee Meetings

The Layton SLT Committee meets at least twice a year in September/October and March/April.  


Ogden Campus

2024-2025 SLT Funding amount $59,180.72

LAND Trust Committee Members

The Ogden Campus Committee has adopted LAND Trust Rules of Order and Procedure.

Jared Buckley
Lead Director 
Kim McClellan 
Amy Bond
Chair - Parent
Liza Lizarraga
Vice Chair - Parent
Sarah Thomas
Lindsey Mooney

Committee Meetings

The Ogden SLT Committee meets at least twice a year in September/October and March/April.  
