February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
February 17-18
Leadership Learning Academy has set high schoolwide goals in the Core Subjects for all students. Please contact your child’s teachers to see what their goals are, as well as what you can do to help assist your child in meeting them.
For additional information, visit the Utah State Office of Education website on Core Standards.
USOE Core StandardsLeadership Learning Academy focuses on incorporating the Science of Reading when building and teaching reading skills. To complement this, we use the CKLA curriculum.
Core Knowledge Language Arts® (CKLA) is a comprehensive program (Preschool–Grade 6) for teaching reading, writing, listening, and speaking while also building students’ vocabulary and knowledge across essential domains in literature, world and American history, and the sciences.
At LLA, we focus on problem-based math using the curriculum Illustrative Math.
In a problem-based curriculum, students spend most of their time in class working on carefully crafted and sequenced problems. Teachers help students understand the problems, ask questions to push their thinking, and orchestrate discussions to be sure that the mathematical takeaways are clear. Learners gain a rich and lasting understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures and experience applying this knowledge to new situations.
Students frequently collaborate with their classmates—they talk about math, listen to each other’s ideas, justify their thinking, and critique the reasoning of others. They gain experience communicating their ideas both verbally and in writing, developing skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.
LLA will promote student character education to reaffirm values and qualities of character which promote an upright and desirable citizenry. The civic education will help cultivate informed students, encourage responsible participation in political life, and promote the fundamental values and principles of representative democracy in Utah and the United States.
We will teach patriotic education as part of the social studies curricula. Examples of civic education include:
Exemptions to civic education are outlined under Utah Rule.