February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
February 5-7
Because the number of applicants will likely exceed the school’s authorized enrollment capacity, students are selected through a random lottery. When a student is chosen, siblings of the applicant (within the same household) are also invited for admission, provided there are openings. Students currently admitted are given preference for re-enrollment. Siblings of admitted students are given preference relative to other applicants.
LLA will not discriminate in its admission policies or practices on the same basis as other public schools may not discriminate in their admission policies and practices.
This cannot be determined due to the number of students applying each day for a limited number of openings in the school.
This cannot be determined due to the number of students applying each enrollment period for a limited number of openings in the school.
We will have enrollment opportunities beginning about January of each year and continuing throughout the year as needed. Parents should watch the website for announcements of dates for each enrollment period. Once our existing student numbers can be assessed and siblings given preference, we will run the lottery to fill any openings that may be available. This takes place about February or March. If your child is selected, you will receive an e-mail or a phone call. You must either accept or reject the position within the stated period of time in the e-mail message. If you choose not to attend, or if you do not contact the appropriate person within the given timeframe, your student will be declined in the lottery database and your student’s position will be offered to another student.
You will receive an email. Please make sure that you provide LLA with a current email that you check regularly. It is your responsibility to ensure that your contact information is up-to-date. Leadership Learning Academy is not responsible for outdated contact information or the inability to contact you.
If you need to update your personal information such as phone number, address, or e-mail address, or if you choose to withdraw your student please use your log in using the enrollment link on the school’s website to make any necessary changes.
By law, the only way to receive preferential treatment during enrollment is under the following circumstances: (1) a child or grandchild of an individual who has actively participated in the development of the School; (2) a child or grandchild of a member of the School’s governing board; (3) a sibling of an individual who was previously or is presently enrolled in the School; (4) a child of an employee of the School; and (5) a child of a military service member as defined in Utah Code § 53B-8-102. Such students shall not, however, be given priority notice or guaranteed admission to the School. Extra volunteer hours, special favors, or donations are not accepted in exchange for special preference.
You may click on the “Resend Confirmation Number” link located on the Enrollment page to have it emailed to you.
Pursuant to federal law, the school is not authorized to maintain a waiting list longer than the Open Enrollment period. All students who apply for enrollment must be entered into a lottery for randomized placement into the school as positions become available.
In the acceptance e-mail notification, instructions will be given on how to complete registration paperwork. Parents must complete the required paperwork within the time period specified.
To be enrolled means that your application was accepted through a lottery process, and a place has been reserved for your child to attend Leadership Learning Academy.
Leadership Learning Academy is open to all students without admissions requirements, except in accordance with statute: Children must turn five (5) on or before September 1st of the school year to enroll in Kindergarten. Applications received for children who are not old enough to attend school for the school year they are applying for will not be accepted.
Any student who has been expelled from any school, including Leadership Learning Academy, during the preceding 12 months, may be denied enrollment.
Your application will remain within the lottery pool for another opportunity in the subsequent month’s enrollment lottery, should space be available.
Enrollment is reserving a spot for a child in the school. Registration is your commitment to attend the school and authorizes Leadership Learning Academy to obtain official records from your previous school.
Leadership Learning Academy may enroll 567 students grades K-6. Each grade may have approximately 81 students.
Students currently attending LLA need not re-apply to the school through the open enrollment process, but will need to sign up siblings who want to attend LLA through the OE process. Current LLA students will start registration for the 2024-2025 school year in December.
Open Enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year opens Monday, December 4, 2023 at 10:00 a.m. The first lottery will be held on January 17, 2024.
Any openings that become available after January 17, 2024 will be filled on an as-needed basis throughout the year using a computerized random lottery process. Each LLA campus may enroll up to 567 students grades K-6. Each grade may have approximately 81 students.
Families will be notified via email of their child’s acceptance into the school through the computerized lottery program. Families selected will be notified of the next steps in the registration process and what timeline they will need to follow.
Please keep in mind if you are currently enrolled for the 2023-2024 school year and your child has not yet been selected through the lottery program, you will need to re-enroll in the database for the 2024-2025 school year. Students not chosen through the lottery program will not be “rolled over” to the next school year.
Preferences allowed by law for employees, board members, siblings of current students, and active military families, will be allowed in accordance with our charter application and state and federal laws. Siblings of current LLA students attending other schools will receive first preference of any openings in the school. Every effort will be made to accept all siblings in an individual family, but this may not be possible due to caps on class sizes. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding Open Enrollment.
Completion and submission of an enrollment application does not guarantee admission to, or constitute acceptance in, Leadership Learning Academy. Please be sure to fill out ALL appropriate information and requested fields before you submit the application. Be sure to double check grades, phone numbers, and email addresses. It is imperative that all information is complete and accurate. Be sure to record your confirmation number which allows you to update important changes as they become necessary. This will also be e-mailed to you automatically .
The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces four federal statutes that prohibit discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education. Leadership Learning Academy does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. For more information, please read the USDA Non-Discrimination Statement.
For questions about open enrollment, please see the Enrollment FAQ.