Ogden Crew


The Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) for Leadership Learning Academy is meant to facilitate communication and involvement between parents and teachers. The PTO is currently seeking volunteers who are interested in joining this organization to ensure that the needs of LLA’s students are being met. You can email the PTO at OgdenPTO@llacharter.org

Volunteerism is crucial to Leadership Learning Academy and we encourage each family to volunteer thirty (30) hours  per school year. Volunteer opportunities include working with students, assisting teachers, and participating in school-wide activities through serving on committees. We are grateful for all of the parents’ and community members’ efforts to support Leadership Learning Academy.


We had our first PTO meeting this year, and we need your help! A few of the activities coming up that we need help with is teacher meals and the Trunk or Treat. Click here for more info about our PTO and the ways you can volunteer. 

Trunk/Table or Treat will be October 30th this year and we need candy donations and volunteers! We will be following all COVID guidelines and having a great time so please help out if you can. If you would like to donate candy, we will be accepting donations in the office. Instead of trunks this year, we are going to decorate tables to make it easier to have a one-way line. If you would like to decorate a table, please sign up here. We need at least 25 tables to do the event. 

PTO Board

President - Carrie Zkiab
Vice President - Katie James
Secretary - Dawn Mikesell
Treasurer - Kelsi Christiansen
Communication Chair - Lindsay Schneider